ABZ"L Fund

Gemilas Chasodim


Benefiting the Torah Center of Manalapan -Marlboro

Torah unites us as a People

TorahCom creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the
Manalapan-Marlboro Jewish Community of all backgrounds and affiliations.

The Avrohom Berkowitz Z’L Fund 

Torah Center of Manalapan-Marlboro

364 Union Hill Road

Manalapan NJ, 07726

732.536.8672 | abzlfund@TorahCom.org

ABZ"L Fund

It is hard to believe that the 10th Yahrzeit of my dear father, Reb Avrohom Berkowitz, a”h is already upon us.  It seems like just yesterday that he was such a vibrant force in our family and community.  We all have vivid memories of his love for Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasodim.  With the help of family and friends, my mother tichyeh initiated the Avrohom Berkowitz Z”L Fund. It is a most meaningful way to perpetuate my father’s legacy every year at the time of his Yahrzeit. Your participation will, Bezras Hashem, enhance the Torah and Avodah of Jews living throughout the Manalapan-Marlboro community and facilitate acts of Gemilas Chasodim towards individual needs.

For Building Dedication Opportunities L’ilu Nishmaso, please click on the Building tab below.